About Arfan Bhatti

Arfan Bhatti is a Qualified Solicitor practicing Property and Public Law department dealing with all property related work and Judicial Review cases against public bodies. Read more about Arfan or give him a call.

Bedroom tax Loophold – Short term fix?

The Bedroom Tax “loophole” has been circulating following a tribunal judgement indicating the same was made published online. (More detail on our Bedroom tax page here). Since this time DWP have confirmed that this exemption (Namely for households who have a Housing Continue reading Bedroom tax Loophold – Short term fix?

Compensation for unsuitable temporary accommadation

For a lot of homelessness practitioners unsuitable accommodation, especially where the Local Authority has breached the “6 week in a B’n’B” rule for family’s  (A bit more legal detail and sample pre-action) is a common occurrence (unfortunately more so in Continue reading Compensation for unsuitable temporary accommadation